• SIZE L-XL - 52 Shoulder Width: 55cm Waist circumference: 114 cm Bust circumference: 114 cm Ex rental historical costume, 18th century replica, hand made in damasque and trims. Includes: breeches with waist coulisse, waistcoat, Jacket. Shirt and Jabot are available separately on our store.
  • SIZE XXL - 56 Shoulder Width: 60cm Waist circumference: 116 cm Bust circumference: 120 cm Ex rental historical costume, 18th century replica, hand made in damasque and trims. Includes: breeches with front historical closure, waistcoat, Jacket. Shirt and Jabot are available separately on our store.
  • SIZE L/XL -52 Shoulder Width: 58cm Waist circumference: 120 cm Bust circumference: 120 cm Ex rental historical costume, 18th century replica, hand made in damasque and trims. Includes: breeches with historical front closure, waistcoat, Jacket. Shirt and Jabot are available separately on our store.
  • SIZE M/L - 50 Shoulder Width: 52cm Waist circumference: 112 cm Bust circumference: 112 cm Ex rental historical costume, 18th century replica, hand made in damasque and trims. Includes: breeches with waist coulisse, waistcoat, Jacket. Shirt and Jabot are available separately on our store.
  • SIZE S/M - 48 Shoulder Width: 50cm Waist circumference: 96 cm Bust circumference: 96 cm Ex rental historical costume, 18th century replica, hand made in damasque and trims. Includes: breeches with waist coulisse, waistcoat, Jacket. Shirt and Jabot are available separately on our store.
  • SIZE XXL - 54 Shoulder Width: 54cm Waist circumference: 114 cm Chest circumference: 108 cm Ex rental historical costume, 18th century replica, hand made in damasque and trims. Includes: breeches with front historical closure, waistcoat, Jacket. Shirt and Jabot are available separately on our store.
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